VATATIS Documentation

Basic Usage

VATATIS is very simple to use, only requiring one manual parameter to actually function.
To get started using VATATIS in one of our supported regions, simply take the following URL and past it into the ATIS maker URL box in the Euroscope Voice ATIS Setup Dialog

When copying a link from below please use the Right Click -> Copy Link Address method to ensure you get the correct link for the current site

For details on the options available for any manually configurable parameters, please check the manual parameters section below.

After adding the url to your Euroscope ATIS maker, ensure your other settings are correct. Make sure the ATIS Airport is set correctly and you have the latest metar by pressing get metar.
Then press test URL to get the ATIS text. You can use test URL at any time to refresh the ATIS. Tick Automatically generate new ATIS to ensure that you get a new ATIS whenever the metar changes.
Once you have the ATIS back, make sure to match the letter in the Euroscope ATIS maker to the letter you got back from VATATIS unless you are passing the Euroscope letter to our system
Finally press connect ATIS to connect it to the network. There is no need to use the multiple record playback as AFV handles the voice now.
You will need to untick the Auto generate box to edit the manual parameters, so make sure you tick it again when you are finished.

Control Token

In the near future VATATIS will require you to pass a control token along with the URL to use the ATIS. This feature is currently optional but we highly recommend you login with VATSIM SSO and return to this page to get your token. You can then add your token to your URL to ensure you are ready for when we make the token required.

ATC Detection

The system that does the detection of ATC to enable the 'for delivery contact ground 121.9' part of the ATIS depends on the VATSIM public data export.
This export is only updated every few minutes. If the ATIS doesn't format as you would expect first time, wait for the missing ATC to show up on VATSPY or other similar tool, then click Test URL to generate new ATIS text

Manual Parameters

Below is a list of manual parameters that can be added to the URL, along with what values they accept
Adding a manual parameter requires you to edit the ATIS maker URL in Euroscope, the same one you pasted in from above. Make sure you untick Automatically generate new ATIS before trying to change it. Afterwards, press Test URL to get the new text.
To add one of the parameters, if it's not already in the URL, put an extra & next to an existing one, then in between the 2 put the parameter name, followed by an =, followed by the value.

I.E. if you have /gen?apptype=ILS&arr=$arrrwy($atisairport)
and you want to add the 2000ft winds param, it would become

  • ATIS Letter

    Parameter: info=$atiscode
    Takes the ATIS letter Euroscope and uses it to override the automatice letter from the VATATIS system

  • Approach Type

    Parameter: apptype
    Takes a required string specifying the approach type to use.
    Also takes an optional letter and/or runway number separated by a space (I.E. RNP Z 05,ILS W,VOR 23)
    If you provide a runway that doesn't match the current one then, depending on your region config, it will produce a circling approach text in the ATIS
    You can specify multiple values by putting a , between them. I.E. RNAVZ,Visual will produce RNAV Zulu or Visual
    Valid values are

    • ILS
    • ILSDME
    • RNAV
    • RNAVZ
    • RNP
    • VOR
    • LLZ
    • LOC
    • GPS
    • VORDME
    • NDB
    • VISUAL

  • Two Thousand Foot Winds

    Parameter: twotfw
    Takes 1 required and 1 optional value, seperated by comma
    1. (Required) Any valid metar wind string. I.E. 27020 would produce [forecast][2000 foot wind]250[degrees]20[knots]
    2. (Optional) The lowercase letter r after the comma will change [forecast] to [reported]. Only use if you have reports from pilots

  • Met Reports

    Parameter: airmet, sigmet or wxwarn
    Takes any number of 1 letter + 2 number arguments (I.E A01, B10) seperated by a , with no space.
    airmet produces "Airmet", sigmet produces "Sigmet" and wxwarn produces "Windshear Warning"

  • Helicopter Ops

    Parameters: helirwy and heliapp
    The two helicopter parameters work exactly like the arrival runway and approach type parameters, but they add an extra "for helicopters section"
    heliapp=LOC 29&helirwy=34

  • Low Visibility Procedures

    Parameter: lvp
    The lvp parameter is used to include Low Vis Procedures text in the ATIS. It has 3 options shown below. Text for each option depends on your region config
    lvp= - Basic LVP
    lvp=2 - CAT 2 LVP
    lvp=3 - CAT 3 LVP

  • Runway windshear

    Parameter: wndshrrwy
    The wndshrrwy is used to report windshear on a specific runway. It takes one argument in the form of a rwunay number

  • Runway and Taxiway closures

    Parameters: rwyclsd, twyclsd
    These two parameters are used to report runway and taxiway closures.
    rwyclsd takes any number of runway numbers separated by a , as an argument
    twyclsd takes any number of single letter or single letter and number taxiways as an argument

  • Frequency Ops info

    Parameters: gndclsd, freq
    These two parameters are used to report different radio frequency operations.
    gndclsd takes a blank argument and is used to report Ground frequency closed
    freq takes a radio frequency as a first argument then a , then a position (twr, del, gnd, app) or all as a second argument

  • Disable live ATC

    Parameters: noatc
    If this parameter is passed in then VATATIS will skip anything that requires checking the live ATC data

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